
Top Tips to Combat Dry Skin

Combat Dry Skin

As we enter the summer months, our skin faces prolonged and intense sun exposure, which can significantly impact its health, often leading to dryness and irritation. The sun’s heat dries out areas of unprotected skin and depletes the skin’s supply of natural moisturising oils. In fact, google trends reveals a 200% increase in searches for ‘how to get rid of dry skin on face’ during the summer, showing that this is a concern many people are currently trying to combat. As a result, these warmer months call for a refresh to our skincare routine.

Donnington Valley Spa’s Head Therapist, Nikki Thompson, recommends a variety of skincare tips, including switching to lighter products, adding regular facials to your routine, and applying SPF every morning, to ensure your skin looks its best during the warmer months.

Here are Nikki’s top five tips:

  1. Apply SPF Every Morning

“The most important step in your skincare routine is applying SPF in the morning to prevent your skin for the lasting effects of sun exposure. Not only is sun exposure the cause of dry skin but UV rays can cause premature aging, sunburn, and increase the risk of skin cancer. Whilst we would also advice wearing SPF in the winter months as UV rays are present all year round, it is even more essential when the sun is at its strongest. Make sure you apply a SPF of 30 or higher and don’t forget to reapply throughout the day!”

  1. Switch to Lighter Products

“Just like how you wouldn’t wear a winter coat in summer, don’t apply heavy products to the skin. Water based products, instead of heavy creams and oils, are great at keeping your skin moisturised without weighing down the skin and clogging the pores.

A gel moisturiser is a great choice as it is light weight and will leave the skin feeling refreshed in the heat. Make sure to regularly apply this to keep the skin hydrated. Bonus tip: keep your products in the fridge so they cool and refresh the skin when applied!”

  1. Receive Regular Facials

“The main focus of our skincare during the summer months should be hydrating the skin. If you are finding that your skin is still feeling dry and dull, then regular facials may be just want you need to add the glow and bounce back.

At Donnington Valley Spa, we offer a Deep Hydration Facial which uses slow-release technology to allow Hyaluronic Acid to reach the deepest layers of the skin and reserve moisture for longer lasting effects. This leaves the skin feeling plump and hydrated, whilst also reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Receiving monthly facials will keep the skin looking radiant and rejuvenated and will target layers of your skin that your regular skincare can’t reach.”

  1. Exfoliate Gently

“Increased heat and humidity can result in increased oil production and clogged pores. Exfoliating is a great way to remove this buildup, as well as the SPF and make-up from the day, and prevent acne. This will leave the skin looking vibrant and healthy.

However, don’t overdo it as this can strip the skin and irritate the skin!”

  1. Hydrate!

“We’ve already focused on getting hydrating facials and regularly applying a lightweight moisturiser but make sure to drink lots of water and eat water-rich foods like watermelon and spinach, as this will help your skin stay hydrated. Look after your body from the inside out!”

Deep Hydration Facial, 55 Minutes (£90)

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